There were a few comments as to my 'having my shit together', which I can virtually guarantee as being the first in history. While I definitely feel that my spoor is on track and less spurious than usual, I'd say I have a ways to go before until I've got my feces well framed.
That said, one of the things that I've been doing over the past year is creating to-do lists and actually doing them. Basically, all of my lists consist of issues that are on my mind. However, I don't leave them at that: in order to be effective, a good list should offer a path towards crossing those items or issues off. As such, I break each issue down into the smallest possible 'actionable' step, and cross each step off as I move through the list. This accomplishes several things: First, it offers a fairly accurate picture of what needs to be done to free my mind (letting the rest follow). Second, it helps me visualize how well I'm actually spending my time. Third, it gives me a sense of progress which tends to bump up my enthusiasm for getting more stuff done. Fourth, and perhaps most important, it allows me to establish and mark 'cascade points' - that is, points in actions that push the realization of a goal forward. More clearly, this means that I can see points at which I can comfortably rest, knowing that there isn't much to be done and that it is a virtual guarantee. More often, however, this means that I basically end up saying 'Oh! That'll just take a minute...' and end up crossing more crap off my list. Which then spurs me to do just a lil bit more... which then... you get the point.
Finally, this process allows me to get to Step Three, but only after the most pressing item and least pressing item have been removed from the deck in Step two, and I can now add a third power line to a city in Phase 2, but only if there were two or fewer lines placed in the previous player's second Phase or the previous Phase of Step 2 in any other player's turn that did not violate the rule outlined above that is allowed in Step 3.
In the spirit of holding myself accountable to, well... myself, I offer my to do list for 02/23/2007:
- Design Priming Booth
List of materialsCost of MaterialsLocate Materials- Build Priming Booth
- Buy Materials
WoodPVCPlastic TarpsVelcroLynch Pins- Box Fans
Lights- Assemble Booth @ Micah's
Book Painting Booth- Call 425 226 0930
- Drive down to drop off payment ($300, $100 refundable deposit)
- Booked For 7-10 March. Located at 333 Sunset Blvd N. Exit 4 off of 405 South.
Mail Dr. Arnuk re: Medical records.- Get address for Regence and Highline
- Send to Regence
- Send to Highline Hospital Claims review
- Send to Me
Contact Lakeview for substitute positions- Open Curriculum texts and begin reviewing
- Note down resources needed
- Locate resources
- Contact 3 people who expressed interest in Mustang
- Find their contact info
- Schedule Dr's Appt
- Tests
- Inquire for advice on Billing issues
Present for Pan Yone- Install One Note
- Three Tutorial Sections
- Read Getting Things Done
- One Chapter
- Two Chapter
- Three Chapter
Apply for Unemployment- Purchase Coolant neck for Mustang
- Re-seal valve covers
- Complete Bodywork on Mustang
Strip exterior paintStrip Interior paint on dash- Cut out old metal and rust on
- DS Door
- PS Door
- Re-shape Hood
- Heat, shrink metal
- Body-fill as necessary
- Re-shape DS quarter Panel
- Heat, Shrink
- Body Fill as necessary
- Re-shape Tail Light Panel
- Heat, tap, pound with dollies and hammers
- Body fill as necessary
- Wipe car clean of dust and grime
- Spray car in Booth with filler primer
- Spray parts in Booth with filler primer
- Block/Wetsand filler primer and Body Filler
- Wipe Clean
- Spray Epoxy Primer
- Block/Wetsand E Primer
- Wipe Clean
- Spray Poly Primer
- Reassemble car to driveable state.
- Email Jeff Hammet re:
- TOK Conference times
- Ticket date (May 1?)
- Apartment available date
- other qs?
1 comment:
If to-do lists were written like power grid instructions.. nothing would ever happen.
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