Saturday, December 29, 2007

By process of elimination...

Sometimes, when trying to find out what you want to do (with your afternoon, next weekend, or in life in general), it helps to start out with what you don't want... Some would say that life itself is just one big process of elimination... With that in mind, I thought it prudent to explore the places I've been that I'll hopefully not be returning to any time soon...

I currently work in the same job that I had while finishing up my undergrad degree at UW. This, by itself, should be a warning about what is to follow. It started as a great opportunity to work part-time around my schedule of classes, apply some of the basic skills I had, and make a bit of money in the process... I was able to use some of what I already knew (computers, numbers, and common sense) and apply it pretty directly to the task at hand - namely data entry, Excel spreadsheets, organizing, filing, and paying invoices. In short, I was (and still am) an accountant with a bit of finance work at a University-based non-profit.

However, what was then an excellent opportunity to work through school has since stagnated. The job is still one I should be grateful to have - $50k, gov't job benefits, the whole nice tidy package. Great, if I want to turn into my father - a career man at Boeing. Only problem is, I'm 2 years in on that nice, safe little path and I'm already pulling my hair out. Why? Maybe it's easy to see... The work is tragically mundane. There is a place in the world, and in every company, for accountants, but the work is not challenging, nor is it interesting (to me). And, while it occasionally satisfies the strange OCD corner of my brain, the rest of me is left with nothing to chew on, strive for, or be rewarded by it. My greatest hopes for this position are as follows: 1) the ability to work abroad in Africa or India on short stints (to help structure field office finances). Well, actually, that's about it.

Which is actually the problem, really... I don't love the work by itself. Growth prospects are slim. I don't feel like there is much more I can learn from the place. What's more, the long term I've spent there has turned me off of office-work in general. I'm tired of being a cog in a giant machine. I'm really looking for new challenges, new projects, and a completely different set of responsibilities. That smells like small company, start-up, or my very own venture, but maybe I'm missing some possibilities? Regardless, searching the classifieds just doesn't seem like it will cut it... But who knows? Gotta start somewhere...


Stephen said...

Cool blog idea man, I've gotta say. Reminds me to go update my WM dev blog after this.

Anyways. It's basically what you me and Micah talked about last Thursday.. but you do realize the great resource you have living with Micah right? Him and Nick and hell, me, are doing the same soul searching and trying to find something fulfilling to do over the course of the next few years. Being around people who are entrepreneurial rubs off -- and you can learn a lot about both what to do and what NOT to do, which is sometimes even more important...

javagold said...

Adding to what Stephen said, you have your former girlfriend in the mix, coupled with her crazy sisters and some of your friends who are currently traveling the world.

I think you're going in the right direction, thinking about the possibilities and also about where you don't want to go... Committing your thoughts to words is also a good start.

I do have one favor though. The blog looks like a dull and boring gray slate of a place. It's not fun to look at. Can you spice it up? Make it red? Add pictures? Diagrams? Anything?

I always find that a creative space makes going through these processes an easy endeavor to pursue.

Good start Andy, keep writing.