Thursday, December 27, 2007

A fresh start...

So I got a brainstorm and I decided to act on it. For once.

I've been struggling for a while with where I want to go in life, what I want to do, and just exactly what my priorities are. Despite encouragement from all sides to move forward, get on with it, stick your bloody neck out, I've been stagnant. Colorful descriptions of me currently include "risk-averse" and "square" and "accountant" (and, sadly, that is even my current occupation). None of this would matter if I was happy with my career (2 years old in my job from college-days), had a direction in life (aimless) and satisfied with the experiences I was getting (few). Unfortunately, though, I'm not, I don't, and I'm not. This calls for some action! Except...

I'm risk-averse... A little square... And still a bloody accountant. I need some serious branching out to get me out of the rut I'm in, but I'm not the sort to drop everything, abandon prudence, and put everything out there. At least not without a little cause... Appearances to the contrary, I'm not afraid to try something new - I just want to try something new that I'm excited about. This requires finding said thing(s) and that has been the slow road thus far...

All of which brings me to this little experiment. I'm calling it the Accountability Project. For now, it'll be the Accountability Project for Andrew Spencer Roberts of Seattle, Washington as, well, I'm the only one here. The idea is this - start with a commitment to post every day. The subject will be progress on goals, new ideas, brainstorms, and new directions to take. Then, find some poor saps to keep an eye on you. These Moderators, let's call them, will keep track of this little blog, offering feedback as they choose, but most of all keeping me, well, accountable! If I don't post... If I don't demonstrate progress, at very least in thought processes if not action, the whips come out, the shame sets in, and I'm burdened by the guilt that I've failed semi-publicly.

So this is the first post. Call it an introduction. Just a few days from the new year, this might look like a feeble resolution, but let's hope it lasts longer than the average... Now? To recruit moderators...

1 comment:

javagold said...

Andrew, I think this is a great first step towards finding your passion in life! It's a scary world out there, and support and collaboration is fulfilling and constructive to everyone involved.

I'll be sure to check back often, and also contribute, if you'd have me.

Warm affection,